This 6-part study offers an in-depth exploration of the biblical concept of shalom, including its various spiritual, social, and economic dimensions.
Often translated “peace,” the biblical word shalom entails far more than just the absence of war and conflict. Shalom describes God’s grand and beautiful dream for a world in which wholeness and healing are cultivated at the level of just societies and flourishing communities. This 6-part study offers an in-depth exploration of the biblical concept of shalom, including its various spiritual, social, and economic dimensions. Emphasis will be placed on how we can respond to the call to shalom through the ministries of the church and our own lives of faith.
Scholarships are available for this course, please email us at for more information.
Continuing Education Units (CEU) are available for this course. There is a processing fee of $25.00, and an Award Letter will be issued once the course has been completed. Please add the CEU Processing Fee at checkout.